View the Events Calendar

EveryMeal Packing Event
For 8 years, Grace has partnered with EveryMeal to distribute meals to children facing food insecurity to ensure they receive meals over the weekend. We now have the opportunity to pack these meals that our volunteers or other schools will distribute to the students.
Children over the age of 8 are welcome to come with the family! Anyone under 18 will be required to have parental consent to attend and will need to fill out a waiver.
The packing event will be held at EveryMeal warehouse 2723 Patton Rd, Roseville, MN 55113

Maundy Thursday
Together, we’ll experience the significance of what Jesus did and said in His final hours with His disciples, (the Last Supper) as we gather for a time of communion and community. This experience will be offered at 5:00 or 6:00 in the Cafe. There will be an experiential children's program about Jesus' last days on earth for kids up through grade 5 during this time as well.
Registration is limited to 60 people for each service to keep this a small and intimate time of worship.

Good Friday Worship Service
A solemn worship experience including music, reflection, and dramatic reading of the biblical account of Jesus' last hours. There will be no children's programing offered during this service. Children (upper elementary and older) may participate in the service with their parents at their parents' discretion.

Easter Celebration Services at 9:00 & 10:45am
Celebrate Jesus' resurrection on Easter Sunday! Services are family-friendly, so you will celebrate together as a family. (Nursery will be available for children age 2 1/2 and younger.)

Jump Start
Jump Start! New to Grace Church? We’re so excited about that! Not sure where to start? Looking for a way to meet others and hear more about Grace? We’d love to meet you, hear more about your story and how we can come alongside you in what God is doing in your life!
Join us at “Jump Start” in the MOVE room (just off the Family Lobby) following the first service on April 27.

Parents' Night Out
Enjoy an evening out while our youth (and some of their adult leaders) care for your children (grade 5 and younger). Drop off and pick up your kids anytime between 5:30 and 9:30pm. We'll provide some snacks, but please feed your kids dinner at home. This is a fund raising event and a free will offering will be collected when you drop off your kids. These funds will be used to send our youth to District Blitz (a regional youth rally in Duluth.) where they will join youth groups from across the midwest, growing in community and growing deeper in their faith.

Easter Choir
Be part of the Praise Choir this Easter as we proclaim that Jesus has Risen to give LIFE. Rehearsals are required and please sign up to receive the music and recordings prior to rehearsal. The Easter Choir is open to all - ages 12 and older. Rehearsals will follow second service on the following dates along with one evening rehearsal: 2/23, 3/9, 3/23, 3/30, 4/6, 4/17 Evening Rehearsal with the full band, 4/20 for Both Services 9am and 10:45am.

Sermon On The Mount Small Group Study
The Sermon on the Mount is Jesus' longest-recorded teaching and arguably the most impactful and widely recognized throughout history. These teachings are powerful as they unfold Jesus' vision for a flourishing life. Living for God's heavenly kingdom produces in us wholeness, deep connection of the Father, and a blessed life.He also urges us to engage with the world around us, inviting others into this kingdom reality.
This 10-week study will meet at Grace The $20 fee is to cover the cost of the book. Scholarships are available.
Sunday 10;30am - noon
Monday 6:00-7:30pm
Wednesday 6:00 - 7:30pm
Small groups for children (birth through grade 5) are available during the Wednesday evening and Sunday morning sessions.
Small groups for youth (grades 6-12) are also available Wednesday evenings (6:00 - 8:00pm) - no registration needed.
If you have not yet participated in a Rooted 1 small group experience, we ask that you participate in that first as it is so foundational.

Wednesday Evening Sermon Discussion
The first three Wednesdays in (February( 5, 12 & 19) from 6:00 - 7:30PM join us in the Grace Cafe for an informal discussion of the previous week’s sermon topic.

Rooted - New Groups Begin week of February 2
Rooted is a 12-week small group experience designed to connect you to God, the church, and your purpose.
Together, in a group of 10-15 people from all walks of life, you’ll explore the Bible, engage in prayer and serve experiences, share stories, and practice rhythms essential to a healthy spiritual life.
Whether you are brand new to church—or have been following God for a long time—Rooted will help you exercise your faith and discover how your unique story fits into God’s epic story in human history.
Our next session of Rooted will be offered on Wednesday evenings from 6:00pm - 7:30pm at Grace in room 106. Childcare is available.
We ask that everyone participate in Rooted 1 as their initial small group experience at Grace as it is so foundational.

Wednesday Evening Prayer Experience
Set aside some time and space to enjoy God’s presence in prayer in the Grace Cafe on Wednesdays, (January 8, 15, 22 & 29) from 6:00 - 7:30pm. This gathering will include both personal and communal prayer time.

If you’ve experienced the death of a loved one, we want to help support you. Grief is hard—and it can feel really lonely. This 13-week support group will help you process your grief and find hope to move forward. New GriefShare session begins Tuesday, January 7 at 6:00pm.

DivorceCare - You don’t need to go through it alone
13 week support group begins January 5 at 10:30am
Room 104 on the lower level
Find help… discover hope… experience healing

Pray Through January
During the month of January we will be focusing on prayer. We’ve developed a prayer guide for the Grace Church family. You can pick one up in the lobbies, or downlad a PDF.

On-Line Services Only December 29
Bring in the new year in your jammies in your living room with our online service including music and a devotional on Sunday, December 29.
We return to our usual service times in our building at 9:00 or 10:45am on Sunday, January 5.

Christmas Eve Services
Celebrate the birth of Jesus wth a casual, family friendly service at 3:00pm or 4:30pm. Kids (including infants and toddlers) will worship with their parents in the Auditorium.
We’ll close out this special day with a candlelight service at 9:00pm.
Note: We will NOT have a Christmas Day service - enjoy time with your friends and family/!

Celebration Sunday
On Sunday, December 8 at 10:00am we’re gathering as a church family to celebrate how God has been at work through the people of Grace. Baptisms and cardboard testimonies will be part of the service. Children will be sitting in the service with their parents for this service. Nursery will be available for infants and toddlers.

Baptism Sunday
We’ll be having baptisms during our celebration service at 10:00am on December 8.
If you’d like to be baptized or have questions about it, you can submit your info below.

Christmas Sharing @ Grace
Share Christmas this year by making a difference for families in our community! We will be providing a FREE shopping experience for families who could use a little extra help in our neighborhood on Friday, December 6 (6:30pm - 8:30pm) and Saturday, December 7 (9:00am - 11:00am and 1:00pm - 3:00pm). Families will receive a $25 Target gift card to shop for gifts for each of their children, a filled stocking for each child, and food and toiletries for the family.
You can help make Christmas happen for these families by giving financially toward gifts and food, purchasing $25 Target gift cards, filling stockings, and serving during the event. Stockings to fill will be available on Sunday, November 4. Please return the filled stockings on Sunday, November 10 or 17.
See the links below for giving and serving opportunities.
We invite you to bring your family to Jingle Jam: Friday, December 6 at 6:30 - 8:30pm, or Saturday December 7 at 9:00 - 11:00am, or 1:00pm - 3:00pm . We're putting on a Christmas show complete with a skit, games and music in the auditorium for Christmas Sharing families and we'd like your family to be part of the fun! This is a wonderful opportunity for you reach out to our Christmas Sharing guests to help them experience Jesus' love for them in community. Come early, or stay afterwards as well for cocoa and cookies in the cafe. No need to sign up for Jingle Jam - just show up.
Christmas Decorating Party
It's a party to decorate the church for Christmas! Come at 12:00 (right ater seond service) for lunch in the Cafe (we'll provide a light lunch), then together we'll deck the halls. We hope to be done by around 3:00. There will be opportunities for adults as well as kids to be involved, so families can serve together.
Activites include:
set up trees
decorate trees
outdoor lights
install garland
hang decor from the ceiling - you'll be on a ladder
Simply be available for whatever is needed!

Spirit Of Christmas Advent Devotional
Advent is a time to prepare our hearts as we look forward to celebrating Jesus’ birth; the one who is Hope and Life. This devotional is designed for you to set aside some time each day to read from the Bible and relfect on it, listen to musict to direct your heart toward God, then spend some time talking with Him in prayer. May you experience the Spirit of Christmas in a powerful way as you reflect on, and celebrate God’s amazing gift to us in sending Jesus!

Compassion Clinic Roseville
We’re partnering with several other area churches to provide a Christ centered pop-up clinic. The clinic, which will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m on Saturday, November 9, will offer free care including medical checkups, dental care ,and vision care from volunteer professionals. In additional to medical professionals, there are many opportunities to volunteer at this event including:
Hospitality Team
Set-up and take down
Children’s Area Team

Ukraine Supply Drive
We’re collecting new and gently used warm clothing and blankets to send to Ukraine to help them through the winter. See the attached list of suggested helpful items and drop them off in either lobby by Sunday, October 13.

Child Dedication
We’ll celebrate and honor families who are choosing to dedicate their child(ren) to the Lord during our 9:00 & 10:45 Sunday gatherings on October 13.

Annual Vision Day
Several months ago, we had a special meeting and voted to change the way we approach “membership” at Grace Church to better align with our vision of “becoming a community of people walking alonside one another to find Hope and Life in Jesus.” On Sunday, September 22, during both services you will have the opportunity to “sgn on” to being part of our Covenant Community for the 2024/25 ministry year. Those who confirm their commitment to our Covenant Community can vote on the proposed budget and affirm our Elders in a short meeting following both services. If you are unable to be present at the services, you may use the links below to review and commit to the Covenant, and vote on the budget and elders prior to end of day on Sunday, September 22.

Party in the Park
Make new connections, play games and have fun outdoors. Bring along a picnic dinner.

School Supply Drive
The start of school is right around the corner and we want to help kids have the supplies they need to get their school year off to a great start. On Sunday, August 4 we will have supply lists available in each lobby where you can learn the exact items that each child will need in the fall. Grab a list and get ready to both shop for and pray for these kids as they head back to school. Please return the purchased supplies from the list to Grace on August 11 or 18 in either lobby.
We are partnering with the Dwelling Place (providing safe housing for women and children who have experienced domestic abuse) and Little Canada Elementary School on this project.

Youth Room Work Day
We’d like to give our youth space a fresh look and would love your help to make it happen! All are welcome to help with painting and a couple of building projects - and we’ll provide the pizza for lunch. Get to know some new people while helping in a very practical way to make our youth space more welcoming for students. Please register so we know who many to plan for lunch. Kids under 13 must be accompanied by an adult. Questions? Please Contact Tyler.

Great Grace Grill Out
You’re invited to a FREE neighborhood bash like no other. There will be endless food and lots of fun!
FREE lunch included classic BBQ fare, loads of sides and plenty of tasty treats and beverages.
Bouncy house for the kids and yard games for all
No need to bring anything - just yourself, family & friends!
There will be one church service at 10:00am this Sunday - love to see you there as well.

Worship Service at 10:00am
THIS SUNDAY ONLY (June 9) - worship service and Grace Kids programming will be at 10:00 am. After the service be sure to come to the Great Grace Grill Out in the parking lot to enjoy community time. Regular worship times at 9:00 and 10:45am will resume on June 16.

Youth Talent Show
Attention students in grades 6-12! Our annual Talent Show will be on May 1, hosted again by MC Hammerbeck! Those who come will witness unreal talent and amazing feats of skill!! But as always, a talent show is pretty crummy without the tallent. If you are interested in showcasing your skills, please register and list the talent you, or a group of you, will be performin. Please let us know about anything you'll need from us. (a song to be played, or a video, ect) so that we can prescreen everything before the big event so we’ll be ready for you to do your best.

IF: 2024 Women's Conference
April 26-27 Grace will host a livestream event for women. Join us for live worship, prayer, encouragement from other women and hear teaching from inspiring speakers. We will also have the Grace Cafe open for snack and lunch options. Invite a friend or two to join you. Registraion fee is $15.00, but scholarships are available, so don’t let finances keep you away.
Friday, April 26 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Saturday, April 27 8am - 4:30pm

Youth District Blitz Rally In Duluth
Attention all 6-12 graders!
District Blitz is a weekend rally where youth groups from acrost the midwest gather to worship God, pray, and listen to impactiful speakers who will challenge them in their understanding of the Gospel! There will also be seminars/workshops where the teens can go deeper by picking their desired seminar to learn more about their faith, or be encouraged and equipped in living out their faith. It's all this plus a ton of fun as we hang out with our group and have a blast in Duluth MN.
Cost is $160.00. Registration closes April 7.We will be loading into vans and leaving Grace Church Roseville by 4:30pm April 19th and will arrive back at Grace Church Roseville April 21st by 4:00pm.

Care Portal Informational Meeting
This April, we will launch a partnership with CarePortal: a technology that connects people who see the physical needs of our community with people at the church who can meet those needs. If you are interested in becoming involved in this new serving opportunity, there will be a training on April 7th after the second service in room 100.

Youth Event - Photo Scavenger Hunt
We will be meeting at Grace Church and loading into youth leaders cars and driving to the Mall Of America. Once there, we will be splitting up into teams and each team will have an adult leader with them. Then each team will receive a long list of things they can find/do to receive points. The most points by the end of the event wins a prize! We will then head back to Church for pick up at 9:30pm.
Each student must register and have a waiver form filled out to attend.