Visit Us

Join us on Sundays
at 9:00 or 10:45


Sunday Gatherings:
9:00 AM & 10:45 AM

1310 County Road B2 W.
Roseville, MN 55113
(just east of Rosedale Center Mall)



  • Each weekend service is about an hour long and includes some contemporary music songs and an encouraging message from the Bible from one of our teaching pastors. It’s a very casual environment, so no need to dress up. Come a few minutes early to grab a cup of coffee in the Cafe and get your kids settled in their classes. Questions? Ask one of our hosts in a red shirt and they’re happy to help!

  • Kids and students have a special place at Grace!

    nfants receive loving care in our nursery. Toddlers through 5th graders have fun learning about a God who loves them through music, games, and dynamic lessons. Our staff and volunteers want to make Sunday mornings the highlight of your child’s week! You kids will love taking our big blue slide down to their classes!

    Students in grades 6-12 are encouraged to participate in the Sunday morning worship service with their parents. On most
    Wednesday nights from 6:30 - 8:30pm, students gather to hang out, worship God, listen to an age-appropriate message and dive into small group discussions.

  • Life is better together. The church isn’t a building - it’s about people and relationships. As we walk alongside one another, we find our hope and life in Jesus. Stop by the Info Hub in the lobby, or ask a Host in a red shirt about opportunities to get involved and build relationships.

  • If it’s time to go beyond the meet and greet after the service and take a step forward into what’s next for you at Grace, we invite you to join us for Jump Start. We know breaking into a new community can feel like a daunting journey, so we thought we’d make it just a touch easier for you! Together we will explore the ways Grace approaches your relationship with God and with others in all we do, and we'll also discuss the specific environments we've created to help you find connection and community. We offer Jump Start on the first Sunday of the month at 10:00 in the MOVE room just off the GraceKids lobby.

Have a question about our Sunday gatherings? We’d love to help!